brings the peace of Jesus to the villages along the Amazon by preaching the Word of God.

people are very primitive and run around naked like animals. They will go straight to Hell.”

Brother Al, after converting a waiter in a small Chinese restaurant kitchen on Sunday, says:
“I am just looking forward to talking to the Chinese.”

Tired of preaching? Discover the amazing power of the Pastor Praying Protein Powder to get an instant supply of energy. The best kept secret of well-being is finally revealed! (Available in cherry or chicken flavor)

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The World Christ Channel is not responsible if this article does not give you complete satisfation.

The Demonbuster® helps you find and fight demons and other invisible satanic creatures. Everyone has demons, no exceptions. This is what you need to defeat daily satanic attacks. Easy to use!

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Enjoy your breakfast with this series of six mugs illustrating the most dramatic episodes of Jesus’ life. Studying the Bible while drinking their chocolate milk has become a reality for your children.

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after an aborted career in Hollywood before he was reborn. “Now my destination is even more glorious”, he says. “I can use my talent for singing that Jesus is the Light.”

The WCC wants to start building churches that integrate the landscapes and take advantage of the indigenous materials to help local economies to grow.

inspire a worldwide audience: “Why don’t you try Jesus instead of Viagra? Only Love and Jesus can give you a virile and tender life.”
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in a poor family of 12 children in northern Texas, so I know the harm that war can do to people. If they want war, they will find us.”

“Ebola and starvation will only be defeated if the Africans accept Jesus Christ” says Pastor Koti…
“The Lord has a meeting next week in Africa and the whole continent will shake his hand. Africa will soon be covered with a carpet of flowers when nearly one billion fresh begonias will fall from the sky.”

decided to become a true vegetarian and protect animals after he saw in the camp a small lamb looking at Jesus.

As the baptism rates gets high in the Philippines, Pastor Chang says "Today, I want to prove to
the world that maybe Jesus was an Asian.

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A WCC Online Store exclusive!
Be the first to own the same Holy Bible that Brother Al himself uses, delivered with its certificate of authenticity.
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This magnificient WCC bronze belt buckle will give you style and grace with sheer elegance in its simplicity. A must buy to meet the Christian woman who will give birth to your child.

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A WCC Online Store exclusive!
Be the first to acquire the famous hat of Pastor Randy, delivered in a custom-made case with its certificate of authenticity.

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spiritual weapons for the U.S. Army as General Godweiler says, “The troops need to embed Jesus.”
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When he is crucified, the son of a corn farmer speaks genuine unknown words from Christ.
The sound crew of the WCC recorded the young man singing in a holy language resembling the Imperial Aramaic. “Those songs definitely prove that Jesus is the Son of God”, they said.

When Christians go to church, just like a job interview, they should dress up for the Lord. They should buy nice clothes and nice shoes before entering the house of God.

a beast for the Brother Al Show, said he feels Satan’s demons have entered and possessed his computer.

chased the Demon out from a possessed cow that was used by Satan to secretely enter a church in Brazil. She said: “Here is the crossing line of the temple of the Lord.”

The African pastor says Jesus name on his gloves gives him the true power.

WCC Asia debut is a monumental success. After a traditional Chinese chicken noodle soup factory authorized workers to be converted, the WCC decided to buy 1000 packs of soup to help poor children in China rural areas.

“I’m one lucky lady because Jesus Christ helped me to be blessed with true love and delighted with the power of his greatness and force.”

is more than a sin. It’s a disease and a threat for peace in the world and the future of our children.”

to get funding: $100,000,000 for brand new jewish settlements in the land of Israel.

Pastor Kruger has always delivered spiritually, but now he is delivering the hardware with his beautiful satellite dish in every home in Africa. It’s the dish you don’t have to wash. You just watch!
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These elegant and attractive baptismal waders will allow you to perform conversions in hostile environments like muddy water, sewer, waste water or groundwater contaminated from hydraulic fracturing.

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If you’re trying to raise your children up in a loving and purposeful manner, trying to protect them from the power of Satan, buy this video game and help make our world a better place to live.

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The World Christ Channel is a fake TV channel featured in the movie “Gloria Jesus”.
You can watch the movie for free on the official movie website :

www.worldchristchannel.com © 2014 Xavier Nellens
We will accomplish God's will
Pastor Kruger healing cancer
Pastor Frederic joins the WCC
Building New Churches
Pastor Laone's Reflections
The Jews should accept Jesus
Africa under the threat of Ebola and unbelief
Pastor Luis: "In certain tribes
Pastor Bruno from Brazil
God wants China to Rejoice
So what color was Jesus?
The WCC might provide
As WCC spreads the Word of Christ
The President of the WCC Camp
Pastor Randy: "I was born
Missionaria Maria Antonia
Pastor Kalume wants to knock out the subversives.
Pastor Francisco is proud
Miracle in North Carolina
Pr. Kruger broke his hand while performing a miracle in Africa.
WCC struggle for a better world
Sister Christy thanks the Lord
Pastor Luis: "Homosexuality
WCC helps Sarah Yobovitch
A graphic artist, after animating
Brother Al's reflections
of the new decoration donated to his church in Manaus.